Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Is Child Rearing Job Security for Therapists?
For instance, my oldest is my pickiest eater! If I could have a redo on something it would be this one. He was such a picky eater when he was a toddler that I thought he would die if I didn't give in to his whining and crying for his Chunky Pot Roast Soup. It has veggies, right? I did everything to validate that this was a good choice and the fact that he was eating it every meal, yes, breakfast, lunch, and dinner was good right? Not exactly a great choice for a meal, but better than Cheetos and a Dr. Pepper. (Wonder if your insides turn the same color as your fingers do when eating Cheetos? I've seen what Dr. Pepper does to a peanut, too.....)
Then as I was enjoying a nice respite in the drizzle after our 4 1/2 mile hike yesterday on the parkway, I overheard a grandmother strike down the unruly behavior of her grandids as they were trying to "get wet" in the rain. I know it's hard to believe that a child would desire to experience the oddity of dripping rain on their skin. Like a retreiver waiting for their master to throw the ball, these kids were aching for a little taste of heaven to fall on their fingers. Ok, let me say, there was NO lightning and thunder and it was a nice light rain. I'm thinking that maybe these kids were dressed in some sort of dissolving clothing that when wet disappears, which of course would only be offensive to those not related to them. What could be better than dancing naked in the rain, right? I should've checked this out as to cut down on my laundry responsibilities. I so want for disposable clothing and my kids just don't feel right in surgical scrubs. They say people give them weird looks.......huh! Paper clothes! So then later in life when these kids are grown and want to experience the feel of the rain on their faces will they first go through the agony of reclaiming their childhood through shock treatments? I know, that's extreme, but come on, think about it. If they get dirty, most places in the U.S. have the means to wash one's child fairly clean. If they get wet, they dry, it's rain not antifreeze.
I feel confident that I have done many, many things wrong while raising my kids thus far and will probably screw them up some more before I die. It's my job. It's my life's work. Embarassment and agony are the goal. I am preparing them for real life, correct? This is nothing. So come on feel the rain on your face and let the kids get wet. Jump in a puddle or two and maybe smear a little mud on their face.
Thank you God for your enduring mercy and grace in our lives and our kids lives and our parenting skills. Help us to stay focused on you and your will for their lives and keep them fairly straight on the path to you. Forgive us for the wrong turns and the misguided advice. We love you! We praise you! AMEN!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Happy Birthday to you!

Monday, July 20, 2009
Dumplins & Buttons

My mom's mother was a beautiful, graceful, lovely lady. She was married to my childhood best friend, my pawpaw. Since he died when I was only 5, I think she felt the honored responsibility to carry on his legacy to his grandchildren. Nan-naw and I spent our time together playing gooney golf (look it up), going to plays/musicals/movies, cooking and sewing. She was a retired home-ec teacher and was the most organized, tight bed-corners, tidy lady. I loved my nan-naw. She played the piano for church sometimes and for her Eastern Star group. "I walk through the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses....." my favorite one to hear her play and sing. She loved her God and he loved her! She loved to sew and I learned so much from her and my mother about the craft. I remember so vividly running my fingers through the old chocolate box that my grandmother had recycled for her extra buttons from worn out outfits and such. I loved that box! My mother remembers doing the same as she grew up. That box has had alot of traffic. I can still remember seeing her in certain outfits that the buttons clung to on her way to church, store, or "Showboat". My Nan-naw met the fate of losing her memory through some sort of demensia/alzheimer altercation. It was a first clue when she couldn't find her gas tank and was looking in the trunk. It just went down from there. Many years of little memories fading into the abyss of her mind. Leaving her with fractured images and confusing environments that we wanted to protect her from, but couldn't find our way into her world anymore. She was a sweet lady. I procured the button box when she had to make the move from home to the nursing home. I knew she had been forgetting alot when I opened the box and it was filled with buttons AND straight pins, OUCH! I visited her often in her last year. I watched her inhale some of her last bits of oxygen from her room. I will never forget pleading with her to let us take it from here and just to let go. She did. I miss my Nan-naw.

Thank you God for my wonderful childhood! Thank you for the influence of these wonderful women in my life that helped shape me into the woman I long to be in my life! Thank you God for my parents who saw to it that I had a relationship with my grandparents! Thank you God for the memories of these dynamic women! Thank you God!
Maintenance worker - Me!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
In 1941, they said he wouldn't make it....
Sweet, sweet Rissa Roo!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Appalachia is the teacher this week.....

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Harvest what you sow....then eat!
Fuzzy Brain
My garden is insane! Lovin' the fruits and hating the bugs. Wanting to keep it organic but am having fantasies about inihilating insects with the most powerful poison I can find! Kind of like the time you realize what happens in the chemical reaction between salt and slugs.................oh sorry.........I was just thinking.....nevermind.
Life is a puke inducing roller coaster right now. I don't want to get off but parts of it make me technicolor yawn. I just feel sorry for the chap who sits behind me! Whatch OUT! Too late. My kids are growing up and off on their own alot this summer with mission trips, camp, visits to grandma and grandpa in CO and I am missing them. I have those moments in every hour where I do inventory of where my kids are today. Don't want to leave one somewhere....again....oops...did I say that out loud? Don't worry we found him. I think that's why my thoughts are so fuzzy right now. My family is not together but far apart doing its own thing and loving it I'm sure.
My brain however has a hard time functioning in the mode of constant checking and rechecking on where I left my babies. I've tried to put the milk in the cabinet and the cat in the dishwasher and the tupperware on the clothesline, but I think I'll be ok. Soon the boys will be altogether and off together on a mission trip with church, but again altogether. Little Sarah will be home from camp and off to bible school with grandma. My brain will loosen its preparation H grip it has on my frontal lobe and I will be able to function without washing the cat!
God please be with my family during this time of awe and wonder as we move through this life walking where you ask us to tread. I ask that you watch over them and me as we are apart and wrap your loving arms around our hearts and warm us fromt he inside out as we go about your work and your will. We love you! God Bless!