<<<< MyBFF (left) and the most
handsome river guide ever (right)!
Let me tell you a little secret....I have a best friend. Some may say, "What's so secret about that, don't we all?" Well my little secret is that my best friend rarely knows it. "Why," you ask? We'll get to that in a bit. My best friend has known me the longest, loved me the most, put up with my %$^&* and still stays by my side. My BF calls me by my name, keeps me sane, places hands around my shoulders even when I push away constantly. My BF loved me enough to create with me the most beautiful children on God's green earth. He harbors jealousy in his heart for me always for the time we spend apart, the time we're together, but not "together", for the things that separate us every day. But my BF prays for me daily, kisses me softly, hugs me gently, waits patiently for my hormonal temper tantrums to subside. He thanks God for me.....why, I will never understand. He loves his sons like no other father I know. He gives thems life tools that they use everyday. He loves his daughter like she is the only snake princess on the planet. He tells her she is beautiful every single day of her life, and she knows she is! He provides for me even in my time of haphazard spending sprees. He loves me. He loves God so much more than his love for me, which is why he loves me so unconditionally. I do not deserve him, I don't treat him like my BF, but he knows he is, I know he is. I don't tell him enough how much he is appreciated by me. I don't say enough "I love you" in a tone of voice that is respectful of a BF and my husband. I rarely show him the love I feel for him and for noone else. I am the worst BF ever! He loves me anyway. Who else could you give the look to, walk away from, shrug your shoulders at, cry with, love all night, breathe through childbirth, and smile with when your children graduate, but your BF. David knows me inside and out and for some really demented reason still loves me! Thank you God for my best earthly friend! Thank you God for my soul mate. Thank you God for my husband and the father of my children! Thank you God! My prayer today is that all who dare to read this have or want to have that BF and that they have the courage to say to them, "I love you!"
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I love you
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