I have decided that I would just put all the talk to rest. Yes, all of those rumors that lurk around every corner of society. Those rumors that have for so long defined those of us who work from home. The ones that start like this: "oh, you're a stay at home mom, how lucky you are, I wish I could do that." "Wow, you must get so much done working from home!" "You have so much more time to be on the computer, because you are at home all day." This used to cause the lava from the core of my being to erupt into a tirade of job applications filled out just to see if I'm still a viable member of society. Those days have passed.
You see I run my own business from home and my computer and I am a "stay at home work all freakin' day long with no monetary return on the dirty laundry kind of mom", unless someone forgot to empty the change from their pocket, then I count that as my compensation! Anyway, it's such a glamorous life! From the mystery animal that has metamorphosed in the corner of the room from an unknown dust and hair source to those mystery stains in the laundry to the ever popular toilet scrubbing, hair in the drain removing, lunch inventing, and oh yea, I better not ignore my actual paying job in the office. Glam, that's all me. I don't get mad when people assume that I do nothing. I do however wonder what my house would actually look like if I do absolutely nothing. This week I feel as though I am being swallowed up by Gap, Old Navy, Walmart, Target 100% cotton, polyblend, lycra, spandex and denim mound of material I like to call "The Tower of Terror!" Clothing factories across the globe are operating at full speed because of my family. 5 children, a hard working husband and myself all contribute to the TofT. The only good thing I have found about this is that as long as its on the floor it keeps the dust off of that portion of the house and therefore cuts down on my sweeping. I do what I can. I tried flylady but inadvertently let off the flea bomb in my house and she met the unfortunate maker somewhere in the chaos. JK! We had friends over last night....the dad went upstairs to get his daughter....I was mortified that he saw my laundry TofT in the upstairs hallway....I am doing laundry today.
In all things find blessings and thanksgivings! I thank God everyday that I am at home with my kids. I thank God for the ability to be able to wash clothes indoors and not risk being eaten by an alligator while beating my capris on a rock on the bank of the Zambezi River. I thank God everyday that I have food to stick to the plates of my life. I thank God everyday that I have a roof over my head to keep all of my ....uhm....stuff in. I thank God everyday that my children sleep safe and sound in a place where God is, where the Holy Spirit lingers, where in every corner of my house has God residue stuck to the walls, to the furniture, to the doors, to the stuff. I need less stuff so I can see and smell and touch where God is in my home. Thank you God for me being here, in this place, at this time for these people, for your Kingdom. Thank you for residing in my heart.
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