Those that know me well, know that I am not exactly the most quiet person around. I absolutely love to sing. I'm an alto. I belt it out. I worship. I really worship. I worship as if God and I are the only two in the room. If you can decipher anything from my posts to make you understand that I am verbally passionate then you get it.
However, when I am not singing in worship to Him, my mouth tends to run, often like a leaky faucet. I use to rarely keep things to myself. I have been trying harder and harder in the last few months to only speak when I really feel led to do so.
So I decided to try out a little experiment. I was "watching" my nieces and nephews in VA with two of my kids, which really means I was in their way, so I headed out to Wally World to do some grocery shopping. I decided that I was going to try out not talking. Ok, so it was easy because my sister wasn't there to talk to anyway, which if you know her at all you know I usually don't get in a word edgewise anyway, but I thought I'd try shutting my mouth for a while. (Mel, you know it's true! I love ya!)
I headed to the store. Turned off the music in the car (a no-no for me to go without music!) Ever realize how loud your tires are as they make that constant circular motion on the pavement? Quiet, so loud my ears hurt, quiet. I found my list, which I usually forget, and headed into the store. Grabbed a basket and off to shop, quietly, in WalMart... can anyone else say "oxymoron"? Focusing in my shopping list. You see, I determined that not only would my mouth be quiet, but my mind would be as clear as I could get it. I wouldn't be thinking about the laundry or the dinner or the kids projects or the trip home or anything. Do you know how loud those shopping carts are when they rattle? Did you also know how far a two year old cry carries in a superstore? "If a child screams in the pharmacy, will those in the dairy still hear them?" Answer: YES!!!! Then came the blessings. I could see so much more around me with my mouth closed. Odd isn't it? I never knew my vision was blocked by my tongue. Hmmm....I'm sure others have noticed my blindness. My hearing was peaked. The sound was deafening. I found myself out in the world, but not of it. Did you hear me? I could hear so gently the sound of what God was wanting me to hear. The gentle music of my environment played for me. The answers I had asked for, searched for, being spoken gently. Those things I could've heard had I made it quiet in my head. God blesses, we question the blessing, it's amazing he allows us to go around talkin' at all.
Zechariah and Elizabeth were without children. They longed for a child to bless their lives and to carry on the name. Very important for them to have a son and it seemed like an impossible dream, a fading dream. Then, that which they prayed for, that blessing of a family. The heavenly angel dropped by to let Zechariah know that a baby was on the way. He couldn't really believe it fully. He questioned the future blessing, which did not please God and the angel did what he had to do. He struck him mute. Yep, hit the mute button. Now if you read the story you can tell that this was a BIG deal for those around Zechariah who knew him. It seems implied that for him not to be able to speak was a shock.....or maybe a blessing. Yes a child, but not just a child, but a son. Can you imagine the shock? They were not spring chickens you know. Check it out in the book of Luke.
God blessed Z and his wife through their faith, but upon question decided that His glory, God's glory, is the one that should shine through, not Zechariah's words. Have you ever thought about how much of a blessing you could be by not speaking? Not just not speaking, but not making ANY noise, glances, emotional faces, THE LOOK and letting God get a word in edgewise. I'm gonna try to be more aware of what God is trying to say, His point that he wants to get across, not mine. What God wanted for Zechariah to do was clear. His instructions were not questionable, there was NO room for doubt. When Zechariah did as he was told he could speak once again.
Almighty Father, Blessed Redeemer, have mercy on me and my voice, my speech, my conversations. Thank you for not pushing the mute button. Help me to choose my words wisely, help me in my every day moments to steer away from doubt and be open to your guidance and trust that your way is the only way for me and my house. Thank you God for loving me in spite of my tongue.
Which is why I have been pretty quiet here. I am trying very hard to make sure that those authors of blogs I like to read, know that what they have to say is important, inspiring, funny, uplifting to me and my day. To make sure we all know that we are worthy sisters of God who can support each other every day. I'm just (not) sayin'. I'm really trying to listen to those bloggers and lift them up in what they do. I love you all!
However, when I am not singing in worship to Him, my mouth tends to run, often like a leaky faucet. I use to rarely keep things to myself. I have been trying harder and harder in the last few months to only speak when I really feel led to do so.
So I decided to try out a little experiment. I was "watching" my nieces and nephews in VA with two of my kids, which really means I was in their way, so I headed out to Wally World to do some grocery shopping. I decided that I was going to try out not talking. Ok, so it was easy because my sister wasn't there to talk to anyway, which if you know her at all you know I usually don't get in a word edgewise anyway, but I thought I'd try shutting my mouth for a while. (Mel, you know it's true! I love ya!)
I headed to the store. Turned off the music in the car (a no-no for me to go without music!) Ever realize how loud your tires are as they make that constant circular motion on the pavement? Quiet, so loud my ears hurt, quiet. I found my list, which I usually forget, and headed into the store. Grabbed a basket and off to shop, quietly, in WalMart... can anyone else say "oxymoron"? Focusing in my shopping list. You see, I determined that not only would my mouth be quiet, but my mind would be as clear as I could get it. I wouldn't be thinking about the laundry or the dinner or the kids projects or the trip home or anything. Do you know how loud those shopping carts are when they rattle? Did you also know how far a two year old cry carries in a superstore? "If a child screams in the pharmacy, will those in the dairy still hear them?" Answer: YES!!!! Then came the blessings. I could see so much more around me with my mouth closed. Odd isn't it? I never knew my vision was blocked by my tongue. Hmmm....I'm sure others have noticed my blindness. My hearing was peaked. The sound was deafening. I found myself out in the world, but not of it. Did you hear me? I could hear so gently the sound of what God was wanting me to hear. The gentle music of my environment played for me. The answers I had asked for, searched for, being spoken gently. Those things I could've heard had I made it quiet in my head. God blesses, we question the blessing, it's amazing he allows us to go around talkin' at all.
Zechariah and Elizabeth were without children. They longed for a child to bless their lives and to carry on the name. Very important for them to have a son and it seemed like an impossible dream, a fading dream. Then, that which they prayed for, that blessing of a family. The heavenly angel dropped by to let Zechariah know that a baby was on the way. He couldn't really believe it fully. He questioned the future blessing, which did not please God and the angel did what he had to do. He struck him mute. Yep, hit the mute button. Now if you read the story you can tell that this was a BIG deal for those around Zechariah who knew him. It seems implied that for him not to be able to speak was a shock.....or maybe a blessing. Yes a child, but not just a child, but a son. Can you imagine the shock? They were not spring chickens you know. Check it out in the book of Luke.
God blessed Z and his wife through their faith, but upon question decided that His glory, God's glory, is the one that should shine through, not Zechariah's words. Have you ever thought about how much of a blessing you could be by not speaking? Not just not speaking, but not making ANY noise, glances, emotional faces, THE LOOK and letting God get a word in edgewise. I'm gonna try to be more aware of what God is trying to say, His point that he wants to get across, not mine. What God wanted for Zechariah to do was clear. His instructions were not questionable, there was NO room for doubt. When Zechariah did as he was told he could speak once again.
Almighty Father, Blessed Redeemer, have mercy on me and my voice, my speech, my conversations. Thank you for not pushing the mute button. Help me to choose my words wisely, help me in my every day moments to steer away from doubt and be open to your guidance and trust that your way is the only way for me and my house. Thank you God for loving me in spite of my tongue.
Which is why I have been pretty quiet here. I am trying very hard to make sure that those authors of blogs I like to read, know that what they have to say is important, inspiring, funny, uplifting to me and my day. To make sure we all know that we are worthy sisters of God who can support each other every day. I'm just (not) sayin'. I'm really trying to listen to those bloggers and lift them up in what they do. I love you all!
And I love your uplifting words!
So true...how much can we hear if we take time to be still?
I hope you still belt it out when you sing at church though. My congregation is so timid at singing...My grandparents' congregation would raise the roof! Loved to visit them!
Wow, thanks once again for an amazing lesson. I am known as a bit of a talker. As you know, I was born to a bit of a talker. :) It is hard to learn to shut one's mouth after it has been running for years on end, non-stop. Listening to others and the world around us is something God has called us to do, and it is a blessing.
Love you,
What a great post! I use to be someone who always had to have the tv on or music playing in my home because I liked the companionship of the noise. But now I've learned that it's in those silent moments that I can hear my own thoughts, and I'm more open to getting answers. I'm okay with the silence now, in fact it's a nice break from the constant babble that I usually hear:)
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