So, here he goes again. For the third time since the war in Iraq started, my bil is headed back. This time in Northern Iraq. Everytime he leaves its gut wrenchingly hard to say goodbye, but we all know that he loves being in the armed forces and feels it nothing less than an honor to serve our country in whatever capacity he is called to. This time he's the big wig, the commander and in charge of the unit. The unit, of which half have never been deployed. It was hard to watch those first timers clinging to the last few minutes of normalcy and physical touch they'd have in more than a year. My daughter is so in awe of her Uncle. The last time he was deployed he bought her a digi camo jacket/pants/hat outfit with bars and pins, too. She wears that outfit all the time, in the heat of the summer and the cold of the winter. She will wear that until they're capris. Oh how she loves her uncle. He is a police officer and let her run the lights and listen to the radio the last visit.
So he will be headed overseas the last of July, but in the meantime is on base away from the fam for training. He gets to attend his son's graduation but only for a day or two then back to the base. Although he will be missed tremendously we all know that he feels that this is what he was made to be. He is one of the most wonderful fathers, loving husbands and awesome men that God blessed this earth with. We will miss you T! You and your unit are in our hearts, thoughts and prayers!
Pray for the troops no matter what you feel about this war, pray for those who are away from their familes. Pray for those left behind to wait and wonder and worry. Pray. Pray. Then pray again.
AMEN! Experience counts, and the new guys will be blessed to have him, I'm sure. Bless them all.
Please thank your bil for his service for our freedom. I'm thankful for the sacrifices our service people make, but for the sacrifices their families make as well.
Our prayers are with our troops.
God bless our American Heroes!
Thanks sis. You know that it's fun having our own ISH (international super hero) in the family!! Uncle T is really going to miss our little warrior too. He'll have more patches and exciting things to share when he gets back. Although, I can't imagine anything beating the encased scoripon that "tried to attack him and he bit it's head off" souvenir. Luv u more.
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