Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday thoughts as misguided as they may be


1.  Ran/Walked for 20+ minutes.  Learned I could do it on my own when I need to.  Also, learned that I need to go earlier for less interruptions from shocked neighbors who want to talk about how they've NEVER seen me exercise, in the neighborhood, yea, that's it.  Thanks.

2.  Bought batteries for my bathroom scale.  Big mistake.  Haven't weighed myself since spring.  Should've left it that way.  That number should only be used for ...well, when I googled that number and put "is a good number for" I got.... swan fungus.  There ya go.

3.  I'm frustrated at my narcissistic behavior in the last couple weeks.  Although its a good place to be when blogging it doesn't make for good relationships with, say, people.  I have been the offender and I don't know how to fix it.  Prayer and lots of yummy delicacies wrapped up in a bow as a gift.  Or a new featherbed.  Random, I know.

4.  I decided the only thing that could pick me up was a green monster and Christmas music blaring out of my computer speakers.  Yea, it kinda works.  I love Christmas music but my kiddos, um, the jury is still out.  One came in and said, "What?!  It's not even Thanksgiving yet!"

5.  God and I have lots of work to do.  I need to be on my knees more with my mouth SHUT this time.

6.  I want to be at the beach right now.  No, really.  Right now.  Closing my eyes.  Clicking my heels.  There's no place like the beach, there's no place like the beach.  Hmmmmm.... didn't work.

7.  Thought I'd share a powerful video of Random Acts of Culture!  Hope you like it as much as I did!

May God bless you deeply.  Deeper than you thought possible.  A deep level you never knew existed.  My prayer for you.  God bless.


Jen said...

I love you and ALL of your randomness:) I miss my girls! We need to do dinner sometime... me, you and fav's.

mormonhermitmom said...

Random Acts of Culture? AWESOME! Encore!

Michelle said...

Ok, you crack me up, seriously. LOVED the video, totally awesome.


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