(Mosaic of our little girl a few years ago. If you click on it you can see that it is made up of many different pictures within this picture. Pretty cool!?!)
Well, I'm just now getting to this post. I've put myself in a position to write about each of my kids and getting to the easiest one, it's turned out to be the hardest, 'cause what do you say about your bestest little girlfriend?
Sarah usually makes her way into our room earlier than the rest and sloughs herself onto the bed for some early morning snugglin'. The other morning David decided that she needed to have her ribs massaged and as she was giggling she says, "I just love waking up in this house!" She loves her daddy soooo very much! He spoils her rotten!
He knows how to treat a girl, let me tell ya!
You see, we have 4 boys. Wonderful! I can do boys. I'm trained to handle the boys stuff, I feel confident in the bringing up of boys. When we found out we were pregnant, again, it was just my understanding that once again it would be a boy. The ultrasound came and the dr. said "I think it's a girl. Yea...oh....maybe...yep, it's a girl." Having been bitten by that bug before I didn't believe it and in some way it scared me, 'cause I can do the boy thing, see. You see the other ultrasounds at one time or another have been "girls". We never planned on going with what the dr. said. God just has a sick sense of humor sometimes and we thought if we bought a bunch of pink stuff it would be a boy.
Everything was wonderful! I mean all of my pregnancies were easy and labor was great (sorry, but it was) that's why I have so many kids, 'cause it was just easy to do and I wanted a dozen, no really, a dozen. During my pregnancy with Sarah I ate like a horse, or a bird (which btw eats twice its weight in food) and I continued to lose weight. Great! Lovin' this one!
She was the fifth child so we planned (ha) that she would most likely be early. My parents were coming in from out of town a week AFTER she was due thinking we would be home from the hospital and all settled in. Well, she decided to hang out in there awhile. A week later than her due date and still no baby! Two days before my mother had to leave we decided to coax her out of there and our lives changed forever!
Yes, with each of the boys our lives also changed forever, but this one was so different. I have never seen my boys and my husband fall in love sooooo quickly and so hard. They drooled, and to some degree still do. They won't admit to it, but they do. Our little katydid, Sarah, was a bug lovin', snake totin', dirt eatin' girl! It's a girl alright, a girl! Catchin' snakes at the age of two, forcing her older brothers to sit in her room and pull the heads off of her baby dolls, a.k.a. "playing with dolls". You see, we didn't know that we hadn't really lived yet. We were all pretty sure we were alive and well, but little did we know that life had just begun.
THANK YOU GOD FOR SARAH BUG! Thanks for the belly laughs, the wild hair days, the creepy crawleys in the house, the imagination of her brain! Thank you God!
1 comment:
Yes dear Lord, thanks for our "animal whisperer", for her laughs. When she walks in the room she is full of interesting tidbits. We love our girl. For the army crawling, bug loving, full of life girl. She needs to move up here. You all can come with her.
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