Please tell me you're kidding!
This really isn't very funny!
All words running through my mind as I speak to my hubby about the events of his evening the night of the big Tree Lighting.
To start off at the beginning, 3 of our kids and I headed to the 3rd annual tree lighting at the farms as Dave and our first born went to a motivational speaker event at a local church. Sweet bonding experience. Little did I know that he would be bonding in so many ways that night. John was off somewhere with the girl.
Contentment had set in. It was a great night hanging out with friends and family and burnin' stuff, now that's a tradition I can get into! Nothing like the smell of smoke to make me happy. You see I'm married to an ex firefighter and smoke is quite the cologne!
Anyway, David called to let me know he probably wasn't coming because he was otherwise occupied. What could keep a firefighter away from the burning embers? Must have been important.
Well, here goes....
Upon leaving the church after the seminar, it was dark and he and Adam pulled out of the parking lot and headed to the fire. But as he pulled out the vehicle coming down the road behind him sped up and started blinking his/her lights and honking the horn and swerving back and forth on David's bumper. David, being the calm Christian driver that he is (NOT) (he once chased a car up the interstate because he flashed their lights at us) he decided to teach this person a lesson about tailgating. So he proceeded to SLAM on the brakes for that proverbial dog in the road, at least that was going to be his story. The truck behind him did the only thing it could do....french kiss his tailpipe! Now, those of you in this situation, me included, know that you have always wanted to do that to those people. Don't judge me! He was ready for a fight, looking over at Adam as if to say, "you got my back?" just in case there was some throwin' down goin' on. He put the car in park and took off his seatbelt and opened the door and turned toward the other car. Ready for a brawl, hackles up, headlights blinding his vision...he hears those dreaded words, not "hey buddy what were you thinking", no, not "what the blankety, blank are you doin'", no, not those, but these "DAD, what'dya do that for?" Yea, those words from our 17 yo son letting his dad know that he was the perpetrator from behind, the one that got so intimate with his bumper. Not only was it John, but it was John in his girlfriend's truck!
Yes, so eating crow in the street under the truck pulling out the fender from the new set of tires on Man Child's vehicle (MC is her name) and laughing to keep from crying. Eating crow upon visiting with MC's parents to say how he and John had screwed up and "pimped out" MC's truck.
You know, when you ask God to come into your life, he sees those areas that need a little work and decides to work on those for ya.
I think there was some angelic belly laughing going on in the heavenlies!
Oh where will he head to next?!
God Bless my family! Thanks for accidents with no injuries! Thanks for so gently watching out for each and every one of us!
Thank you God for laughter!
OOOOOOH! Crow goes so well with humble pie. LOL! That girl will have a story for life. Glad no one was hurt otherwise! Love your positive spin on things. You go!
Wow Shannon, now THAT'S a story!! Thank God for little lessons and no one getting hurt!
it is so good to reconnect with you. I am glad to see you are doing well, what with your head exploding and all. ;)
Thank you for your comments on my blog. I am adding you to the list of blogs I follow so I can keep up with you and your fam.
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