Interesting to think about a word, a simple one. One that we have used continually until it no longer holds the newness like the first time we learned it. Wake up! He's awake! What an awakening. As my FIL wakes from the much needed sleep he was so ing in I have to wonder where he's been and what it must've been like for him. I wonder if he has any memory of his dreams. I feel as though I have been sleeping through this time of wait. As with times in my life where the outside world doesn't seem as important eventhough the speed by which it goes by is constant and persistent and very much goal oriented. It's as though one piece of the world is still or moving ever so slowly while the world whisks by at a blurring speed. Undectable faces, blurred noises. Now that he's out of his deep sleep the world and I have been playing catch up. Like when I was little and tried to jump on the merry go round at the playground when it was going so fast.
I often wonder if God puts us in these sleepy moments in our lives to catch up on whether He and I are dreaming the same dream. Are we on the same path? Have I wandered off into another place altogether wondering where God is? It's quiet here. Too quiet. Being part of an awakening of sorts brings thoughts of invigoration and joy. I've been there and felt that and known that. I'm not shy about my relationship with God and how Christ has played a role in my life. But am I still asleep to think that I have done or am doing all that God asks of me to do or to say. I avoid confrontation, especially spiritually motivated confrontation. I guess my own insecurities get in the way of me thinking it's all about what I say not leaving any room for God to get a word in edgewise. If so, some body needs to shake me awake!
In our quest for seeing Jesus, God, in our lives do we look right past him? Watching for Him, waiting, wondering. Are we like the disciples so deep in our grief for the loss that we don't understand he's walking with us until he breaks the bread in our presence? This is such a vulnerable time for so many in this economy. So many feel like failures for no fault of their own, no hope, taking their own lives and the lives of their families, struggling with debt, hungry, down, depressed, needing the relationship of another human being to say that they're going to be ok. Asleep.
Arise, awake. Shake off the nerves of sleep and get the flowing through your veins. Stretch, ready yourself for today and tomorrow. Reach out and shake the shoulder of your neighbor and make sure they're not sleeping too long. Let them know the hope that lies within knowing Christ in your life. Ask someone about the hope of Christ if you are looking or wondering or wandering. Don't be shy about sharing the love of Christ or how God is your stronghold. If you're too quiet you're bound to sleep or to dream, ah, there's the rub!
Be careful not to sleep through what God's got goin' on for you today. Sometimes it's right in front of our eyes, we just haven't had our coffee yet.
Luke 9:32 Peter and his companions were very sleepy, but when they became fully awake, they saw his glory and the two men standing with him.
a·wake (
I often wonder if God puts us in these sleepy moments in our lives to catch up on whether He and I are dreaming the same dream. Are we on the same path? Have I wandered off into another place altogether wondering where God is? It's quiet here. Too quiet. Being part of an awakening of sorts brings thoughts of invigoration and joy. I've been there and felt that and known that. I'm not shy about my relationship with God and how Christ has played a role in my life. But am I still asleep to think that I have done or am doing all that God asks of me to do or to say. I avoid confrontation, especially spiritually motivated confrontation. I guess my own insecurities get in the way of me thinking it's all about what I say not leaving any room for God to get a word in edgewise. If so, some body needs to shake me awake!
In our quest for seeing Jesus, God, in our lives do we look right past him? Watching for Him, waiting, wondering. Are we like the disciples so deep in our grief for the loss that we don't understand he's walking with us until he breaks the bread in our presence? This is such a vulnerable time for so many in this economy. So many feel like failures for no fault of their own, no hope, taking their own lives and the lives of their families, struggling with debt, hungry, down, depressed, needing the relationship of another human being to say that they're going to be ok. Asleep.
Arise, awake. Shake off the nerves of sleep and get the flowing through your veins. Stretch, ready yourself for today and tomorrow. Reach out and shake the shoulder of your neighbor and make sure they're not sleeping too long. Let them know the hope that lies within knowing Christ in your life. Ask someone about the hope of Christ if you are looking or wondering or wandering. Don't be shy about sharing the love of Christ or how God is your stronghold. If you're too quiet you're bound to sleep or to dream, ah, there's the rub!
Be careful not to sleep through what God's got goin' on for you today. Sometimes it's right in front of our eyes, we just haven't had our coffee yet.
Luke 9:32 Peter and his companions were very sleepy, but when they became fully awake, they saw his glory and the two men standing with him.
a·wake (
1. To rouse from sleep; waken.
2. To stir the interest of; excite.
3. To stir up (memories, for example).
1. To wake up.
2. To become alert.
3. To become aware or cognizant: awoke to reality.
1. Completely conscious; not in a state of sleep.
2. Vigilant; watchful.
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Thanks for that.
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