Life is so funny sometimes. Sometimes it's haha funny and others it's just odd funny. My garden has produced so many treats this year much to my surprise. God has blessed us greatly through his provision in this garden. We remain faithful in tending and planting and He does the rest. Now the broccoli is amazing and the cauliflower is coming along and the cabbage is growing day by day. "Give us today our daily bread" the prayer states. It was how our Savior taught us to pray. Just our daily bread. Not our planning for next week or tomorrow, but today. Daily bread. Man. I'm not much of an organizer or a long range planner so this works for me, but not my children who like to eat on a much regular basis. They don't go for Ramen noodles more than once in a day...spoiled rotten children.
We enjoyed a wonderful lunch today of one my bestest girlfriends chicken pot pie, my steamed broccoli and brownies. Yummy! Upon our dessert conversation it appeared on my son's plate. Yes, the broccoli was sporting a worm. My garden is organic, no pesticides, no nothin'. Just worms. I rinsed, I cut, I steamed, I buttered, etc. I did however miss that little bugger. My son was done. No more. His appetite gone in an instant. As he teased and tormented his girlfriend with the Phillipino delicacy she sat tight lipped....... until........... yes. Through cheering on and "do it" chanted at decibels beyond comprehension and a piece of broccoli placed on top of the steamed grub, she ate it. Yea, for some of you that just lost your dinner, my apologies. For those others who are like me and raise a glass to this tough, fiesty dame, cheer with me....woo, hoo, hoo! I awarded her the entire pan of brownies. She deserved it. My son was utterly disgusted. Probably won't kiss her now, which for me is great! Hey there are places in this world that those little bites of yumminess is considered "daily bread". Manna from heaven.
Of course, my daughter of critters and crawleys fan club thinks that MC has now hung the moon, stars and the sun! "Cool," my daughter exclaims.
Life is too short to wait on the daily bread of choice. I am selfishlessly overweight. I eat and eat and grow and grow. I have no room to complain ever about missing a meal. I, however, will have to be extremely hungry to actually eat one of those broccoli inhabitors. I am going to look at my pantry with a little more intention now. No more junk. No junk from the store. Daily bread.
Daily. Day. Today. Now.
Hallelujah dear Heavenly Father for providing for this family. You are our Jehova Jirah.
Ewwww!!! Nasty. I'm sure they have great nutritional value, somehow. Full of protein or something but still ewwww. If worms were my daily manna, I'm not sure I could do it. I relish the idea of being thinner, and surely I'd achieve it if worms were on the menu. YUCK! Soph
Well the poor little worms gotta eat too. I don't think I could have eaten him. I would have released him back into the wild and double scrubbed the broccoli I found him on. But that's just me!
By the way, stop by and get your award!
Way to go MC!!!!!!I love it...do you think that he will stop bugging her next time? Doubt it. Thanks for sharing!!!! Love ya!!!
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