Ok, my mother is texting now! Yes, it's true. I have been giving her texting lessons today and she was using her grandson in Connecticut as her guinea pig. He says that old people should not text......grandma says that must mean that he doesn't think she's old. Ok, mom.
So I thought I'd come up with a little texting dictionary for dear mother to refer to when she's tappin' out a message to her peeps. Here ya go:
R - Are
U - You
OMgsh - Oh My Gosh, do not use OMG that means something different
IDK - I Don't Know (no, mom, it really means I Don't Know, its not that I don't know it just means, well, you know)
TTYL - Talk To You Later
BFF - Best Friends Forever
LY - Love Ya
BRB - Be Right Back
GB - God Bless
2 - To, Two, or too
ROTFL - Roll On The Floor Laughing
LMAO - Laugh My Abs Off (be careful using this one, someone may think this means something else)
SMTMN - Spit Milk Through My Nose (Only use this one for VERY funny things)
BOB - Bob
WTHTTBGTAN - Went To Harris Teeter To Buy Groceries Today At Noon
WTH - What The Hay
G2G - Got To Go ( This does not refer to using the facilities)
HMWCAWCIAWCCW- How Much Wood Could A Woodchuck Chuck, If A Woodchuck Could Chuck Wood
CN - Chuck Norris
So, dear mom, I hope this helps in your endeavours to modernize your life into the tecno world. I know that your grandkids now feel better that you have the capabilites to text them at any moment! I love ya mom!
LY and GB!

I'm just glad I got my mom to start blogging, even if it is private and only for family:)
Thanks for the mini lesson!!! It'll come in handy for me. Isaiah gave me my lesson. And I have to say I did GR8!! LY & GB. G2G!
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