So, let me just start off by saying how much I have loathed the idea of coupon clipping. I hate(d) it.
My mom used to clip those things and file them away and dig through them for hours before going shopping. ARGH! I hated cutting all those coupons with the knowledge that a lot of them would never be used. Now, well, I've changed my mind. You see, my much more patient sister in law, Jules is an extreme couponer. Now some may think this is a dorky title for one who clips coupons, but she has saved her family $$$thousands$$$$ of dollars this year alone by doing the coupon thing. It's not your mother's couponing, girls. This is new age coupons.
At first, I thought I was gonna poke my eyes out trying to figure this thing out. It's really quite a simple process. You have to prepare yourself by stocking up on the Sunday paper coupon inserts and any other coupons you come in contact with by mail, online or at the store in the booklets and on the shelves themselves.
Ok, getting down to business. I shopped at Food Lion and at Harris Teeter yesterday. Unfortunately, I cannot find my Food Lion receipt that I have saved in my "safe place" to tell you what the details of my trip were, but I can give you approximates. At Food Lion I paid out of pocket (oop) $51+ and used coupons and value card and saved $40+. What I would've spent $91+ dollars on I spent $51. Get it? So, I saved approx. 44% on my groceries. Holy moley!
Then, on my trip to Harris Teeter I spent oop $105.76 and saved with q's and value card $86.13. So, when I would've spent $191.89 on my groceries without q's, I actually saved 45% and spent only $105.76. I am now rethinking my coupon disdain and thinking that I am going to follow Jules a little more closely.
If you are interested in saving some dough please go to my sis-in-law's blog and feel free to ask questions of her or me and we will get you started out. I am by no means close to saving what my sil does, but I am on my way to saving a bundle! It's quite exciting!
God bless your money saving adventures whatever they may be!
Oh there are so many ins and outs to that it gives me a headache. Especially when the store we go to won't accept internet coupons. They have better prices than the other stores and you can buy some items in bulk without paying a club store membership.
We'll see how I feel once I've moved from a no sales tax state to a sales tax one.
WOW!! I am not a couponer either but after reading how much you saved, I just might have to start!
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