I have made a pact with my sister in VA that I will try to lose weight with her. We're both overweight, but more noticeably unhealthy and that's what we're tired of. Of course, I hate that I gained weight back after losing 26+ pounds when faced with the possibility of the "c" word. I said I was fine and even voiced how I knew God's hand was
in my life and I would be ok either way the tests came out. However, I was saying that and shoving those 26+ pounds back on thanks to my stress, and oh yea, a big ole Too Much Chocolate Cake recipe (thanks Beth and Beff! JK!).
So, I'm tired of myself and my inabilities to follow through on certain things in my life because this holds me back. God has a plan for me and I can't get into the uniform, so I am changing that. I know I can, I know how, I know the in's and out's, I know what causes it, I know the math, I know I can do this thing. I would like to ask all of you to pray for me and my sister.
You see, my sister is the strongest woman I know. She is the mother of three and is an army wife. Her husband is an officer with the Army Reserve and is in charge of a unit right now in Baghdad. His third deployment since 9/11, and his second to Iraq. She has no stress. HA! She took her oldest to college without her husband, she does EVERYTHING, EVERYDAY by herself, just like thousands of other wives and husbands all over this country do. But she's MY sister. She needs to not have this to worry about. Feeling better about ourselves, feeling healthier is the goal. So, we've decided to take this thing head on and get over ourselves and do what God has placed on our hearts.
Now to the details......oh, you thought those were details? Oh my, this must be your first time reading my posts.
I have been trying to work in some sort of exercise each day, if at all possible. My daughter has suddenly taken on the desire to get in shape as well. She asked yesterday if she could go running. She's 10. I said, "no". She's 10. But we did compromise on a walk to the park with everybody that was home and took a frisbee and played around for a while and walked home.
Today, she wanted to walk again. Who knew my personal trainer was a 10 yo mouthy tomboy?! Just like her father! Except he's not 10 or a girl, so yea... So we walk, to the park. I decided at this point that I am feeling good and am ready to do it! I said, "Let's run, then walk, then run, then walk, over and over, like intervals." She was totally game! She's skipping as I'm running, little creep! Just kidding...I love her. It was a moment of wheezing weakness. My knees felt ok, my heart wasn't pounding the life out of my lungs, I was good. After the second interval I realized that something, something was awry. I walked a bit, then off to run. There it was again. What is that? I'm not running through the brush, but something keeps smacking me in the face! Ok, not really but it felt like it could. I didn't remember strapping on a feed bag before I left. No boxing gloves tied around my neck. What could it be?
You see, five kids later, 45+ pounds overweight, all that excess has to go somewhere. It did. In my braziere, my over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder! My over-inflated baby feeders had gotten out of control! Seriously? Seriously! Have you ever tried running with your arms crossed on your chest? It's weird. Odd. But I figure it would save me from having to explain to my husband why I have two black eyes.
I've researched what I need. I found it. I don't think it's worth losing weight to have. Although, cheaper than a treadmill. Investment? You decide:

Thank goodness it's cheaper online! It's $114.00 in the catalog! It is 5 barbell rated! Whatever the heck that means! If you click on the link you must read the reviews.
This getting in shape thing is expensive!
Please dear Lord, help me through this. I've tried and failed so many times. Please help my sister through this as well. We want to be healthy. Place your mercy upon us! Help this time go by fast. AMEN!!!!
Yes, you have my prayers! And may I join you in spirit?
Maybe ACE bandages would be cheaper support? ;)
My knees are the reason I don't run. My bones are shaped weird right there and they tend to dislocate. For now, I will haul boxes, and after the move, I will walk with big clunky boots in the snow.
Loved your post. My sister and I are in the same boat as you and your sister. It sure would help if she lived closer. I will pray for daily strength to maintain your commitment as your change your life for the better.
Thanks Heidi! My sis and I are about 3 1/2 hours away from each other, so we're totally doing this by phone, email, facebook, or whatever other harassing mechanism we can find! I will pray that you and your sis find a way to work on it together.
Thanks to my hermitmom! We talked about ace bandages but the images of what might happen if they slipped apart and we didn't notice was too much!
My sister and I only have phone to harass, I mean encourage, one another as she is 8 hours away. I am going to send her your link so she can see another set of sisters with the same "blessed" bounty of "barbells" and their struggle to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Keep up the great work.
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