Broke, as usual. But we didn't care. We loved each other so much that when I found out I was pregnant AGAIN, it was such a celebration of life, love, marriage and family. It was a great pregnancy until the 8 1/2 month. I had a blood vessel burst in the back of my eye that hindered my vision, making it impossible for me to drive, and according to the OB, impossible for me to push during labor. Hmmmmm........so epidural, no pain, hardly any pushing? I'm there!
The little monkey was due on Christmas day, but supposedly because of my complication, the Dr. wanted to induce on the 20th. You see, my other two boys were born on their due dates. I think the OB wanted to be home for Christmas....just sayin'. It was an ice storm that day. My OB stayed on the phone at the nurses' station long enough that my sis in law who was also a labor and delivery nurse (at a different hospital) almost caught him!
Elijah Duncan Price.... and the hair! The combination of gallons of medium Pace salsa and Tums makes for lots of hair on your baby. Just thought I'd throw in that tip. I craved salsa like nobody's business. He, now, eats more salsa than anyone I know. It's true. Pace will never go out of business.
Although he had a rough start as a baby and toddler with colic, ear infections, allergies, tubes in the ears, etc., he has grown up into the most wonderful 16 year old I know. He has eyelashes longer than any superficial ones on the super models today. He has a heart for Christ that is growing and evolving daily. He is a beautiful spirit. He is Elijah. He is 16 today. He is one of the loves of my life. Happy Birthday, Lij!
I'll attest....he is an amazing young man!!!!
Holy cow! A blood vessel in the eye? That's a pregnancy story I haven't heard. But looks like you got a good kid there!
Happy Birthing Day do you…you did the hard work.
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