I know now why I have been so skeptical of telling others from the mountain top that I am a homeschool mom. Almost like a 12 step program, I have been in denial. But, there may be something to my denial.
This is the first year of my involvement in a homeschool group. I have needed it for a long time. Some sort of support to say, "Yes, I am crazy and so are the rest of you. Don't we all feel better now that we've admitted that?" Just some sort of proof that there are other not-so-stable parents out there trying to give their kids an opportunity to be educated at home.
You know for the most part this works out pretty well. I have rarely ever seen the species of children most outsiders talk about and fear the most in a restaurant.
Until ... tonight.
Yes, there I was at the craft table admiring the artwork of my friends beautifully behaved daughter of 5, when out of the corner of my eye I spotted the rare creature. Her eyes filled with the burnt red hue of rage and anger, her mouth filled with putrid back talk and her limbs forked at her sides hands tightly attached to her hips as if to say, "Hold up!"
sidenote: I always take pleasure in how our kids display behavior of us,
the parents, in a large audience. But this time, thank you Jesus, it wasn't my own offspring. This time.
Quite humbling.
Anyway, apparently I was trespassing within the boundaries of the "paint your own Christmas decoration" bubble. As I slowly turned trying to avert my eyes to the live nativity scene, I realized my movements were not quick enough and the creature had me frozen like stone.
I had not realized that my stance in observing one of God's graceful creatures had put me too close to the ornament belonging to this little darling. "Oops! Sorry, I swear I wasn't going to touch it. Please have mercy on my soul! Don't eat me!" Ok, I didn't say that, but I did apologize and move with the agility of a gazelle for fear of the creatures parental unit might make a move on me. All eyes had turned my direction in the room, but I quickly turned as though I was looking at someone else who must have done it, not me.
Whew! Crisis averted....
Off to the next craft table where the mothers are fighting over who gets the glue gun next..... Because crafts and homeschooling our little angels are fun!
Bless 'em Lord, bless 'em.
No really, bless 'em Lord! AMEN!
Your forgot to mention the horns and cloven feet that the little 'angel' had.
btw....I love the first song on your playlist. All winter I wait to hear this song on every radio station but since it has the word "Jesus" in it I don't hear it as much as I'd like. I've pressed the replay button more than I'd like to admit.
There's a little devil, er, darling in every group.
I'm in awe of the homeschooling parents. I have trouble keeping calm on the far between times of helping with homework. I'm just not hardwired for it.
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