So.....I love really I do! Even though you can't tell from my very sporadic posts lately. I have come to realize that when I am wrestling with my thoughts as to what posts next, I find respite and wonder in others blogs that I read. I hope you will enjoy those I love.
For Mormonhermitmom a blessing of true reality in my everyday life. Her words of life in her real life, the one where she feels, cries, screams, gets puked on, pooped on, etc. is a breath of fresh air for me. Knowing that there is a sister out there who shares the same joys and pains through the hope of our heavenly Father. Love it!
To Elizabeth whose writings keep me thoughtful and ROTFLMAO a lot of the time too. One of my bestest friends! We share the JOY of homeschooling our children and running to each other for comforting words when we think we've seriously screwed them up. She is an inspiration in my life. She has learned so quickly what it has taken me 40 years to realize. I love ya!
To Wendy with whom I'm sure knows nothing of my obsession of her blog. She will never understand the immense appreciation I have of her following her heart to write as honestly and gracefully as she does with God on her side and in her veins. I had been dealing with a very difficult situation in my life and found her blog that spoke to me in such a direct way that I felt for sure it was divine intervention. Thank you Wendy for doing the work God has asked of you faithfully. God bless your days!
To Alicia. Wow girl, I just love ya. I knew of you through your sweet mother, my friend, but I grew to love you through your sweet self and now through your life journey on this blog. You are such an inspiration to me. Your dedication as a wife and mother is deserving of sainthood sista! I know you are shaking your head "no" because Riss is screaming and you are pulling your hair out and haven't showered in two days, but it's true because of that. Because you follow God's plan and you truly represent your life in a real fashion that people can relate to on a very intimate level. Thanks girl for what you do! I love ya!
Thanks to Modobject at Home for your inspirational words of scripture every Sunday, coupled with a photograph that takes my breath away. I mean, really, she makes a basket of laundry look like art people! Your blog is like smelling a fresh cup of coffee. It awakens my soul for the day and enlightens me as to what is truly beautiful! Thanks!
To my sis in law Jules who makes living so much easier with this helpful blog of hers. She is and has always been an inspiration to me throughout my life. I know I have a weird and twisted way of showing it. I love you and God bless!
For cjane and nie, this is just to say thanks for what you have done for all who read your unique stories. Although weaved together by the grace and mercy of God as sisters, your lives of truth and independence and strength have inspired so many for such different reasons. Nie the beauty of you leaps from the pages of your blog and melts over my heart making me look at my life in a much softer way. Cjane, I want to sing with you. I do, just karaoke style from my computer desk! Your life, your love, your sacrifice, your glory to your God for it all is something this world needs tatooed on their....well, I just love it. That's all.
No, really, that's all. Thanks so much for putting fingers to keys girls and making my life a deeper shade of orange! Love to you all! I hope if you are just visiting that you will travel over to the countries that I have mentioned and in your travels find the best tasting entrees you'll ever read! Don't forget your swimsuits and your tissues and your comfy pjs. All of these are needed during your stay.
May God bless those readers, those bloggers, those ......... bless each and every step they take, key they press and day they wake to see. Heavenly Father you are the maker of our lives and mover of our feet and the lover of our souls. We praise your name!
If you'd like to pass along this little token of appreciation, here are the guidelines:
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you (as shown above).
3) Nominate at least seven other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you (as shown above).
3) Nominate at least seven other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
SNAPS for shannon!!! xoxox
OK, first things first. Is it that evident that I haven't showered for two days? Can you smell me all the way from here? ; ) J/K! I have actually started getting up before J goes to work so I can have a decent, 3 1/2 minute shower to myself!
I have loved you for a long time, Shannon. I am an inspiration to you? YOU are an inspiration to ME, Sister! Thank God we found each other again through the vastness of cyberspace, I was beginning to miss you! I hope someday soon, our paths will cross and we can hug each other in real time again. Thanks for thinking of me, I most certainly love your blog too!
Have a wonderful weekend! Love ya right back!
Oh wow, Shannon. Your thoughtful, kind, encouraging words are one of the nicest compliments I've ever received! Thank you.
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