Monday, January 17, 2011

Hurdles and all things that make your face hit the concrete....

Ugh.  Yea.  It's pessimistic me, back again.  I have been in the midst of training, or trying to train, for this 10K that is in April.  I do like the exercise and the way I feel after!  I hate the me that I am before I run.  The one who whines all night before bed then wakes up hoping someone will call me with some great reason why I can't run today!  I bitch and moan to my husband, who lovingly and sweetly rubs my back and brings me breakfast and coffee and kisses my forehead WHILE I'm pouting and tells me he loves me.  I know when to pull out the pouting card, but he no longer buys into the rants.  Dang it!  I then go run downtown in front of everyone with the style and grace of Phyllis Diller with her cigarette.  Old Lady style, ya'll, I got that down pat!  I know the girls I run with want to shove me in front of the next garbage truck just to not hear me whine about every ailment I am suffering from this week.....  I think it actually helps them with their workout..... they start running faster and farther away from me.  That's ok, that was my plan to be by myself, I have plenty to talk about with me, that's where it all starts.

When I first started I had some most painful knee problems that were quickly remedied with the right pair of shoes!  Hey, you all must know this if you're ever going to run, get the right pair of shoes.  They will cost you a boat load and you will thank me.  Don't go to the local "shoe store" unless you know they have experience with watching your gait and analyzing how you're running and walking and can really give you what you need in a good shoe.  I mean it.  This is sooo important.

Thank goodness I then contracted "black toenail" or "training toenail".  Ick.  No one ever told me about this!  It's like having a baby and then hating every mother on earth because she lied to you or just never told you what the heck was really gonna happen!  Cruel, people, really cruel.  This sweet little runner's treat comes from pounding the ground over and over with the bottom of your foot, say, like in running.  A blister forms under your toenail and it becomes painful and bruised and will eventually fall off!  Yay!  Let's hit the street for more intervals!  Then it will take 4 to 5 months to grow back.  At least now my mind is off of the soreness of my knee and into my toenail and all of its awesomeness!

Then came the excruciatingly intense hip flexor pain.  Remember when you held that kid on your hip all day and it was really sore that night?  Try carrying two of them and running for an hour downtown!  It hurt, and is still rather sore and it ticks me off.  I need a massage.  I need acupuncture and some hot stone therapy.  And a mug of hot tea with Govi strumming in the background to make it go away.  Hey!  Don't judge me.  It might help because I haven't tried it yet and I think it sounds like great therapy!  At least now my hip pain took my mind off of my toenail.  I need a Yoga class badly......

To top it all off, I fell last week before the snow fell and sliced my hand open.  But, at least it took my mind off of my hip.... My hand is much better, but my hip is still sore!

So, as I recap here, running is awesome!  Vegans, unite!  Cooper River.... watch out!  Who's with me?!  Hoo-Rah!

I'm going to get my icepack now and cry in my pillow.  Kidding.  I am going to run the race, literally, put before me.  I can do it.  None of this will stop me.  None.

1 Corinthians 9:24-26
24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26 Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.


mormonhermitmom said...

Black toenail? That sounds hideous! Good on ya girlie! Go get em!

Elizabeth said...

I'm so sorry about your toenail. I've never had the black dreaded runner's nail....sounds horrible. Wishing you the absolute best without any more painful speed bumps. xoxox

Jen said...

Well, I thought I wanted to be a runner... Thanks for changing my mind! It would have been a waste of time. Love ya girl and keep up the good work :)

Kelly said...

Oh, been there and done that! I know some stretches that will make your hip feel better~great for runners and high heel shoe wearers!! Be happy to share them with you if no one hasn't already! You can do this!!

Momof5 said...

Thanks girls for the encouragement!

jen, as if you needed an excuse!!! Glad I could seal that coffin for ya!

Kel, please do share!! I miss your face!


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