Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What used to scare me

Small reminders of where I've been and where I've come are daily reminders of how God moves through my life when I'm not looking.  Just a few months ago I never would've thought I could keep up this vegan lifestyle and now I can't imagine ever going back to the way I used to eat.  Not just that, but my husband has become this changed man through this process.  He has cut back to almost a total vegan lifestyle and he says he feels really good!!  Maybe I'll get him running with me too!!!  My kids are almost there, not quite, but that's ok.  They feel better and are making better choices when they're not with me of what is good to eat and not good for you.

Then the whole running thing has been a milestone in my life.  Never did I think I could keep it up!  Much less run miles at a time!  In the beginning when we were doing interval runs of 1 minute walking, 2 minutes running I thought I would die right then and there.  Two minutes running?!  Really?  Now, as the three of us embark on our 45 minute runs three times a week, we're topping 4 + miles and are amazed at how in the world we have come so far since October.  It makes that 10K seem doable now.  We're conquering the hills and clicking off the miles.  I am so in awe of how God has worked through my character these last months of changing things around in my life.  He is so good to me and my friends and family and watching him work through all of us is humbling and exciting.

I hope you will step out today and do something impossible in your eyes and watch how God works in all out for his will and his work.  May God reveal it to you softly and you grab a hold of it firmly!


mormonhermitmom said...

That is so awesome you are sticking to it!

Jen said...

You're looking wonderful! Healthy and're just glowing every time I see you! I'm so proud of you :) Love ya


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