Friday, June 11, 2010

Pomp and Circumstance

(The day our love grew, again.)

New chapters in my life are written each day.  Some are conclusions to chapters started long ago, but ironically open the dialogue for others and their chapters to just begin.  Eighteen years ago brought to my life the most pure, happy, sparkling eyes to ever stare into the depths of my heart.  It was the birth of my second child.  Loving so wholly the beautiful human I call my first born, I was apprehensive on how I would fit this one into an already full-to-the-brim cup.  I soon found out that it's not the capacity of my heart that was the question, but my human understanding of love fell short of what love actually means in God's eyes when he places another child in your heart.  

(The sparkle was already well established here!)

He shot into my life literally, shortest labor ever, and jumped on the stage of my life as my forever court jester, John Isaac.  "God is gracious" and "he will laugh" are the meanings of his name.  We had no idea how this theme would permeate our lives, and his, forever.  John's amazing green eyes have carried a little piece of heaven down to this dry earth since they peered into the room for the first time.  He wants you to laugh with him.  He wants you to be happy when he's around.  He goes out of his way to make sure you have every need met.  He's as gracious as his Giver of life and he does it all with a sweet smile on his heart.
(Oh, those cheeks!!!)

Ok, yadda, yadda, yadda....why wane philosophical?  Well, tomorrow my sparkly-eyed child will walk across the stage and with laughter in his heart will accept the diploma he so rightly deserves as a high school graduate.  Life lays ahead in a beautiful tapestry for him to either lay in wait on it's softness or to ride it into the horizon like the magic carpet of life.  I'm betting it's the latter.  He's made plans and plans have fallen through, but God is guiding his steps and he is so very well aware of God's presence in his life. I have no doubt that where his feet find themselves will be the ground that God has laid before him, fertile with opportunities and his own testimony to write and live.  I am so proud of him.  I only wish his sixth grade teacher that said he was "too slow" to make it through could see him now.  His dad and I prayed hard through that year, especially around the time of parent/teacher conference time.
(Life is always fun!)

So, as John takes his leap of faith into the pages of HIS book and HIS chapter and walks out of my chapter and starts a new page for me I will take it all in deep within my lungs and imagine it will be like the smell of rain, fresh, quenching, soothing and so welcome.  Congratulations John!  I love you!
(I blinked and he grew)

Deuteronomy 6:1-2  These are the commands, decrees and laws the LORD your God directed me to teach you to observe in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess, so that you, your children and their children after them may fear the LORD your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy long life.


Jen said...

CONGRATS JOHN!!!!! (you tell him I said that ;) Your post touched my heart and I just want you to know that I love the way you love your children. You truly are their #1 fan ;) I love each and everyone of you!

Elizabeth said... precious....John you are AWESOME..

mormonhermitmom said...

Awesome! The world could always use a little more sparkle!

Teachinfourth said...

You have a wonderful way with words. It was a very nice 'tribute' of sorts…

I came to be here via cjane, just if you were wondering.

Anonymous said...

John definitely does bring sparkle into the world!! I love your posts!! I love you more!!


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