Monday, December 13, 2010

Door into the Canyon

Yesterday my baby, my 20 year old baby boy, left for his trip.  Not an ordinary, run-of-the-mill trip, but a 25 day raft trip down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon.  My husband and I have been so excited for him to go on this trip.  I mean, really, 20, and turning 21 while on this trip, young man gets to raft the Grand Canyon?!  Who wouldn't be excited and undoubtedly a little jealous.  Yea, I know not all of you are up for such adventure.  Frankly, my knees couldn't take it I'm sure!  But, wow, for him!  10 of his buddies and soon to be closest friends on earth for 25 days, are heading out on the river at 1100 hours Tuesday morning.  He called from the edge of the Grand Canyon last night with a bright moon shining over the Navajo bridge.  He was so cute calling with that giddy voice!

I, however, woke up yesterday with a horrible stomach ache that lasted all day long accompanied by a tremendous headache that went away not long after his phone call.  Yes, excitement for him, but utter terror for me not being able to speak to him until January now.  But, this is life as a parent.  Life where my husband and I have raised our kids to be what they are passionate to be.  To be kids who say yes to making a life and not lose themselves making a living.  Not that making a living is bad, its absolutely essential!  But, making a life makes a boy become a man who becomes a father deep down inside that may be able to come out one day a loooooonnnnggg time from now, but still.  And making a life makes a man still love being a boy enough to stay passionate about fun and love and life and work and ultimately and foremost, Almighty Heavenly Father.

God was shaking his head at me yesterday.  As my brain tried to adjust to my stomach angst, I could hear in my head, "trust me.  Umm... hello, trust me!"  I had slipped down the sticky, gooey, thick slope of worry and couldn't figure out how to get out of it.  Then, a friend, who is always there for me brought me Mark 9:24: " Lord, I believe.  Help me with my unbelief."  She reminded me that I can trust and do trust but that doesn't always take away the yucky feelings.  Wise.  I love her.

I can't wait to see the pictures and hear the stories!  I can't wait to hear his voice in January!  The thing about the door into the Canyon is that once it's open, it will most likely never close again.  Open doors and whitewater canyons!  God speed!

Dear Heavenly Father,
Place your hands around these sons and daughters as they taste the waters of one of the most beautiful places you created.  Help them to know you more.  Help them to feel your presence there.  Keep them safe.  They are in your hands.


Jen said...

I was listening to Pandora while reading your blog and the song "Time of your Life" by Green Day came on. It made me cry. I love your strength and the all the encouragement and support you have for your family. I love you :)

Anonymous said...

I am thinking SLIDE SHOW in July when he comes home!!!!!! I love that he is able to do this!! WOW! What a wonderful time he will have. And you can always come up here to keep you busy until January!!! Love ya!

Elizabeth said...

love it. really love it.


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