Thursday, January 29, 2009

3rd Annual Tree Lighting at the Farms

A twist on what is usually a pre holiday tradition, our friends have made it the best post holiday tradition. The 3rd annual tree lighting at the farm. Tree Lighting? You ask. Well, not quite the lighting like the Rockefeller Center, but our own version and it keeps us warm! Thanks to those (Ben and Don) who collected over 50 trees thrown to the street this year!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

First Born

Snowboarding, rafting, hiking, MissTina, school, sunshine, Uncle Jeff, Colorado, work (ugh!), Wes, Wii these are a few of his favorite things!

When did it happen? Tell me please. As I have had my head bowed in prayer for this child of mine, he grew up. I'm not talking like "Oh he's so tall!" I'm talking rock solid man. Man of God man. Holy and beautiful and drop dead gorgeous! Why didn't I stare more when he was transitioning from boy to young man to man? I guess that would just look odd. But I'm not scared of odd.

The first born.....the one who has been there from the beginning. We always treated him like he was so much older because he just acted that way most of the time. There were a few exceptions when he was two and would follow me around the house throwing himself on the floor with a temper tantrum and I would just ignore him and move to another room only to be followed, etc. etc. But that was a long time ago.

Adam was our beta tester child. You know, the one that you have to do all of the "firsts" with. Like, in no particular order, the first one to ride a bike, first one to play rec sports, first one to have "the talk" with, first one to get his driver's license, first one to graduate, first one to do the college class thing, first one to date, first one to experiment how long we wait to run to the doctor after he has eaten paint........not really.

He has dreams and goals that makes his dad and I envious of his life right now. Go to Colorado for a while and just hang out, work, snowboard and..........enjoy! He is so stinking smart, so wise, so thoughtful, so observant, so hilarious, so Adam.

He actually hosted a dinner at the house the other night for some friends of ours while dad and I were working. He cooked, organized the cleaning party with his siblings and chatted it up with friends. It was awesome!

He's so ready for the great beyond of that thing we call the "real world". He's an amazing man, works full-time and takes 16 hours at the local community college! What can I say? I am blessed to have the pleasure of hanging out with one of God's greatest creations!

Thank You:

For all that you've done I will thank you,

For all that you're going to do,
For all that you've promised,
And all that you are,
Is all that has carried me through,
Jesus I thank you.

And I thank you,

Thank you,

Thank you for loving and setting me free,
thank you for giving your life just for me
Now I thank you
Jesus I thank you
Gratefully thank you

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Johnny Popper

There once was a boy named John......
This is John, Johnny Popper, or Juan Ton Pablo O'Malley:

He can make you laugh harder than you ever have before. He is so stinkin' funny! God has blessed his heart.

He has been sick. So sad. He has pneumonia and is layin' around. So unlike him. I hate it when my kids are sick. I hate to see them so helpless. Today he is feeling much better. Day before yesterday was not a good day.

I know you're seeing a pattern when it comes to the blog, but I love my kids and I love my God and I want to share why.

If you know John then you know God. I wish that were true for me. No matter what time of day, hour of the day or what he's doing, he'd drop it all for you if you asked him. He is truly in love with the creator and has a beautiful friendship with Jesus. He tends to know him on a deeper level than myself and I've been around over twice as long. He's a quick study, I guess. John is a wonderful teacher and doesn't hesitate to teach us everyday in his walk. Sometimes we think we get a lesson or two in on him and it just turns out it was all for our learning benefit. Hmmm....God has a great sense of humor.

John has had a tough holiday season. He wrecked his brother's truck on Christmas Eve and was thankfully ok, except he had just spent hours cleaning it for his brother for Christmas and now that was sort of beside the point. It was rendered undrivable. Then this terrible cold that has found a home in his lungs and hung out it's pneumonia shingle. He perseveres knowing God is in control. He doesn't complain much at all. He's got the best seat in the house of the "big picture".

Thank you God for John. He is a most beautiful person. I am blessed that he is in my life. You are an awesome God!

Baby #3

Switchfoot, Toby Mac, Camp Cedar Cliff, Basketball, Track, Football, Computers, Food, Chips and Salsa, smiling, laughing, food, food, food!

The longest eyelashes (why does God do that to a boy!), the fastest on the bball team, awesome runner, beautiful spirit, Jesus freak, computer nerd (more than me), eyes into his soul, infectious humor, my baby #3. Lijer is one of the most amazing young men I know. His growth, mentally and spiritually in the last year is so vast and so beautiful to watch.

We often wondered if it would happen. We thought maybe he'd be one of those men who never grows up (not a bad thing). He's taken it upon himself, how dare he, to not consult us on this matter. He has decided that between he and God he has turned the corner from little bratty kid (you know it's true, Lij) to really awesome teenager! Only those who have known the younger Lij and the older Lij will know what I'm talking about.

He's the middle child and is the only one of my children that tested me EVERY inch (not step) of the way. I know now that it was his personality, the only way he thrives, he must know, he must know it all! So inquisitive. So handsome. So awesome. I am in constant awe of my Lij. He's wonderful.

Thanks to God for blessing me with the baby #3. I will praise you always for these blessings in my life.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Behind the Shades

Who is this movie star? The Paparazzi caught this jet setter on film, but who is it?

The most beautiful, soft-spoken soul on the planet. That's him. The youngest of the boys and the quietest of the entire crew. He is studious of his environment. Waits until the very best moment to speak his mind. Then it's spectacular!

I am so glad that God gives us gifts in spite of ourselves! We, as believers of the Almighty, are lucky and blessed that our God is an awesome God. The blessing of these children God chose to entrust in me is an amazing journey. The ups and the downs both have it's advantages. The ups are my favorite, but the retrospection of the downs and how God has worked in theirs and my life are magical to ponder.

Thank you God for Matt. He is yours, Lord.

Take my life and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
Take my hands and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love.

Take my feet and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee;
Take my voice and let me sing,
Always, only for my King.

Take my lips and let them be
Filled with messages from Thee;
Take my silver and my gold,
Not a mite would I withhold.

Take my moments and my days,
Let them flow in endless praise;
Take my intellect and use
Every pow’r as Thou shalt choose.

Take my will and make it Thine,
It shall be no longer mine;
Take my heart, it is Thine own,
It shall be Thy royal throne.

Take my love, my Lord, I pour
At Thy feet its treasure store;
Take myself and I will be
Ever, only, all for Thee.

-Frances R. Havergal

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Breakfast Anyone?

Forgot to grab my shake today before leaving the house to run errands. Mateo forgot to eat breakfast, as well.
Solution: The Breakfast of Champions
Nothin' that a little sugar won't cure.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday Menu

Although listed progressively, eaten the normal way:

Dinner with friends:
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup with homemade egg noodles
Guacamole (via lou&levi)
bread and/or dessert (via los bethenators)

Green Chili Stew w/ lots of Vitamin C
Homemade Tortillas

Not Pictured: Breakfast
Omelettes with sauteed onions/green peppers/cheese and
smothered with green chili sauce

All day in the kitchen.....wonderful! My bestest friends cleaned my kitchen after dinner. No wonder I like them! I like it when my friends know where my dishes go.
What an absolutely fabulous time!
God is SOOOOOO good!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Love...on a plate!

If you put
your nose
really close
to the screen
you can smell
the warm choc chip cookies
that just came out of my oven.
On the most beautiful
plate painted for me
by my Adam and his Tina.
oh come on, closer........
They melt in your mouth!
All we need now is a tall glass of milk!

Friday, January 9, 2009

A Friendly Cup O' Joe....

A Perfect Day, perfect cup o'joe, perfect fellowship........I suddenly have a tall skinny cinnamon dolce latte craving!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Merry Christmas to all and a wonderfully Happy New Year! Wow, we made it! What an awesome Christmas season our family has had. Watching the kids during this Christmas time get into the gift giving spirit was my sustenance! We are such blessed parents! Our children spoil us with their loving kindness and true selves. God has touched them all in so many different ways. He didn't think twice when they invited Him into their hearts. He resides there, homesteads there, sows gardens there, burrows roots there....God is there. It is so evident in my life that God exists. Everywhere I look I am surrounded by His Glory and His Mercy and His complete provision. Thank you God for your son who came, who died and who lives today in my family, my home, my heart, my friends. Ah, my friends....I am speechless when it comes to you. You love me unconditionally as well and I love you for that. I don't say it enough to those close to me. I LOVE YOU! Even those far away. I LOVE YOU!


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