Saturday, August 1, 2009

Roots and all things down under...

I've been studying the book of Daniel recently with a group of women and I am facinated at the history of it all. Amazing how Babylonian this world of ours has become. Such luxury, such corporate honey oozing out of every skyscraper. Yes, I am aware that our economy is not as it was. Part of me wants to shout, "Hallelujah" and the other part would like to see it end. I'm not a lover of money so I must say that things don't bother me like they do some right now. Less crap on the grocery store shelves for me to choose from would be fine with me as long as there is a coupon somewhere for it.

Poor Daniel, stripped from his home in his teen years and taken to a far away land to study a culture he had no desire to be a part of. Vastly commited to his religious heritage and promise that God was his God and no other would come before him. I believe his parents must've truly sprinkled his little feet growing up with miracle grow. The roots were deep, early on.

God also talks of how he will stump the king. No branches, no properity, no security anymore. A stump, a live one, but a stump still. I know that we all risk the stumping from our heavenly father when we make ourselves bigger than we are, more deserving, or more pitiful even. God will prune us to the core where our only growth comes under neath and nothing of us will show. I want those roots to be strong. I want to be strengthened from the ground up with roots that will last and not die at the first frost or the slightest drought.

As my studies continue, I can only pray for more understanding of God and of his word and how it impacts my life. I pray that I will be more readily available to be the tree he needs me to be or the stump he needs me to be.

I am willing. I know I am able.

Heavenly Father as you begin to work on my heart through this precious story of Daniel, I pray that I make it through my own personal pruning glorifying you. I thank you for the wonderful world you have surrounded me with today and pray for its existence tomorrow, but know that you are in control now and always. Thanks and amen!


Anonymous said...

I have become a stump at times in my life...especially when I am feeling the pity party should come to my house. Starting again is hard but you feel stronger as you grow anew. Thanks Shan for your thoughts. You are truly a gifted woman....I realize that even though I like to "do it all" myself that it never turns out right when I don't ask for help.

I luv u

mormonhermitmom said...

When I "pass over" I want to meet Daniel's mom. There's got to be a story there.


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