Thursday, January 21, 2010

Survey says....

I homeschool. I can't say its my all time favorite achievement in life. It's hard. When I look back on it later, it will be worth every worry and tear. I rank it right up there with the proverbial poking of eye with a sharp stick. Most of the time I'm struggling to get by and not worry about my kids brain activity. But then life gives me these little reminders of why I do what I do.

In a recent survey of kids, they were asked what they wanted more than anything.......over 25% of them said money. Not just money to blow, but specifically money so that their parents could stay home more and spend more time with them.

I know, I know, you're wondering what this has to do with homeschool. It's a learned behavior really. We, and I am one of those until recently, have played the social card for so long that we don't know how to interact with our children and frankly some, don't want to. Birth. School. College. Job. Marriage. Children. Promotion. House. Overworked. Underpaid. Laid-off. Work two jobs.

We have walked into the path of "distorted normalcy" in this country for so long thinking that things have to be like this. We don't even question it anymore. It does not and we need to stop the madness.

My son broke up with his girlfriend a couple of weeks ago. I was worried, because I wanted to know how he did that and what he said and was he sympathetic to her feelings and etc. Not because I'm a nosey person, but because I want to know how my boys treat the ladies in their life at ever stage. It could be a great teaching moment for me or his dad to shore up what is acceptable behavior for a young man.

Just in the same manner, I want to know what my kids think about kids, preferably my grandkids, and if they'll have some one day and what that will be like. I want them to know that minimum wage in a small home with lots of time to go to the park and toss the pigskin is success! That having and making time for their kids and their spouses will be the most memorable times of their lives. That it will bring more joy to their life than a big mortgage or a big car or that "perfect" job. So many are having to be away from their families so much these days just to make a living in the most menial of things, like food, dang kids like to eat! Those situations can't be helped. But coming home and recognizing that your kids need you when you can be there and doing what you must in order to take the stress off.

Let's pray hard for those children who don't grow up with their parents around that they will change the way society has influenced our lives thus far. Taking a stand and demanding time with their children and starting a tradition we can hand down from generation to generation.

We try hard in this household to squeeze our children as much as possible as often as possible. This means our economic situation must become creative as possible. I'm good with that. Now to figure out how my kids can do it the next generation without financial belt tightening........

God thank you for your daily provision in my life. Thank you for family and friends who love me and my family. Thank you for guiding us through this crazy thing called life. Thanks!


mormonhermitmom said...

I admire homeschoolers because I am not one who could do it. We've tried to spend time with our kids as much as possible, even when our oldest gives us the "I'm too old and cool to do stuff with family" routine.

Anonymous said...

I love you! And your kids! And from a stay at home mom who spends lots of time with her kids I say amen!!! Having a great relationship with your family is key to a happy family. I think that conversation doesn't necessarily have to be around the dinner table. It can also be in the kitchen, sitting on your bed, during a youth group lockin. Conversing is not as hard as some make it seem. My hope is that our kids will naturally expect their lives to continue like this and that the kitchen will become the heart of the home again. Sitting on the counters talking about weird dreams, or someones comments about so in so's hair, or did you see how crazy the family pet was....sitting around the table playing spoons...laughing together, crying together...hugging together...being together! Being family! Love ya sis!

T-Net said...

Wonderful post. I couldn't agree more about the "keeping up with the Joneses" mentality. One of the reasons that we have loved driving a truck for the past three years is because it got us out of the rat race and back to what is really important. You really learn that when you get rid of your house, put everything in storage and live in the truck. I am so thankful that our kids come to us about everything. Of course, I am their step-mom, but in a way that is better. I think I am a mom but I am more of a friend than their mom will ever be. Sad, but true. But it makes me very happy that they talk to me about everything from school tests to sex and relationships and problems with their friends. They are very open with us and in return, we are open and do our best to guide them. The rest is up to them. I am thankful that we are able to be good role models to them and that they look up to us and come to us for advice. So many parents fail in this area and just don't know how to communicate with their children. Kudos to all parents out there that are able to do this successfully. And to those that aren't, keep trying because it is never too late!


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