Monday, May 24, 2010

Waking Up

Through my lifetime I have dreamed many dreams of power, grandeur, success, riches, fame, etc.  I think sometimes we all believe in our adolescent days that there is this ladder we're climbing and one day we'll be at the top with all of our dreams realized.  Looking back I wonder if the adults in my life gave me that sense of goal reached success.  It kind of makes me sad and frustrated when I think about the number of dreams I've conjured up that have never been seen to fruition.  When I was 10 I knew that one day I would play Annie on Broadway. When I was 18 I knew that one day I would be running a successful bridal gown design firm with stores all over the world.  Even in my twenties and early thirties I was seeking the limelight and wanting to be a famous singer, overnight, to cash in on that wealth.  Somebody once told me that once you stop dreaming you're dead.  I don't have dreams like those anymore.  I dream of much simpler things.  Like a day alone with my hubby in a land far away, which I'm thinking now my singing career might be more attainable.  Or a day when all my bills are paid on time and nobody wants money for a debt I owe, then I will give back to all of my friends and family who deserve so much!  Or a car that's younger than my youngest child who is 10, or a hybrid.........oops, sorry went off there for a sec.  

I will keep dreaming and keep imagining my life in the future, but  now I am much more grounded on what is realistic.  I know that my God provides my every need and he gives such amazing surprise blessings when I certainly don't deserve them.  I will continue to dream of surprises and blessings but only in concept and not in detail.  God will do His will with my life and I'm along for the ride, I wouldn't mind an itinerary, but understand it's not gonna happen.

Dreaming is beautiful and invigorating.  
I will be doing that more often, but this time while I'm awake.


mormonhermitmom said...


I'd love to hear you sing. Any chance getting a recording on your playlist?

Jen said...

Glad to know i'm not the only one who dreams a little dream....or four. Actually, its probably more than that. I dream a lot. I would say i'm blessed with a wild imagination but i'm not so sure its not a curse. Oh and by the way, I love you..even if you do crack your knuckles ;)


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