Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Clear skies ahead

I am really liking this new lifestyle so far!  I have been privileged to find some really amazing recipes that everyone (except Matt) has loved!  Last night's dinner?  Carol's Goulash, veggie patties w/ pineapple salsa and great friends!  What a blessed person I am.  Poor Matt didn't care for the Goulash recipe but I didn't mind, because he did try it and was honest about it.  He is my one child who tries anything and usually loves it all, but Goulash, not so much!

My favorite energy drink is a version of the Green Monster.  But she doesn't really give you amounts and such here so I like this one and this one, too.  I absolutely love this drink, but will have to splurge on almond or rice milk instead of soy because its a tad on the sweet side.  Anyway, it's a great morning drink for energy with a side of sprouted wheat toast.  Or as an afternoon snack, yummo!  

So, I have really done well so far at staying within the realms of my new lifestyle and not "compromising" as I do so often in other things.  Justifying my actions with, "well, it's all they had or maybe just one."  Even Lays potato chips knows you can't eat just one!  I know that right now it has to be all or nothing with me, cause that's my personality and I'm retraining my brain and must stay the course for now and I will work on how I can splurge later when my will power is in check.  

I have sooooo much more energy than before.  This is so huge for me.  Think of your worst down day and multiply that by three and then you'll be close to what I usually feel everyday pre-veganese.  I'm telling you that I feel so much better so far that when I really get going on this I plan to be extremely annoying on here with all of my pent up energy releasing itself cyberly!  Yea, I know, not a word, but I think it should be.  

The other thing that has really got me baffled is my thought process has begun to come back on track.  I have suffered from this really fuzzy brain feeling for a long while now and I'm trying to homeschool my kids which doesn't make for a good mix.  But over the last week it's been amazing how each day brings new clarity to my synopsis up there!  I think this is what was adding to my depression more than anything.  I'm used to being a multi-tasker and thoughts were categorized in neat little packages up there and I could pull from them when I needed to, but it was like they all got dumped out and were jumbled together.  It does bring it's own little oddities to the playing field when you start to re-organize.  This a.m. I woke up remembering EVERYTHING I needed to do today and I freaked out thinking, "wow, is that right?"  Almost like I didn't trust my thoughts.  Well, here we go, back to the road of recovery.  I feel like an addict must feel.  Makes me wonder if there is a direct correlation between dementia or Alzheimer's and our high fat animal diet.  Hmmmm.....may have to research that one.

My next step towards this new change is to get back into my exercise routine, which frankly will be new because I've never had a routine with exercise.  Who am I kidding?  Anyway, now that my energy is returning to a place where I actually feel like I can do something. An exercise routine will be next!

I see from my last post that none of you have any ways for me to pray for you so you must be living so perfectly, I'm jealous!  I will pray for you anyway, just in a general sense til I hear otherwise.  Please continue to pray for me because I really do feel the support from your prayers is helping to firm the foundation for me.  I appreciate your support!  Now I sound like a Bartles and James commercial!  

Thank goodness my God loves me, little ole me.  I couldn't do this any other way!  And he continues to remind me of what he has in store:

Jeremiah 29:11 

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


Jen said...

Good job sweets!

Tanya Kummerow said...

You sound like you are doing great. I love to see how this lifestyle really does work. I love the energy I have. I realized just a few weeks ago how I never yawn in the middle of the day! It's amazing! Good job! Keep it up!


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