Thursday, March 12, 2009

Give a Moose a Muffin Day!

So, today I have many things to accomplish. I unfortunately suffer from the "snowball effect" when putzing around the house. I start with one task and find something that needs to be taken somewhere, fixed, washed, sterilized, returned to sender (or lender), resuscitated, identified, etc. Thus taking me from one room to the next which sends me on a new mission in a totally different direction. This makes the task of getting it all done overwhelming to me making me want to just quit it all together and make an excuse to wash the dogs. But, I digress....I must clean the house because we have guests coming over. You see, that is how I get my house to stay somewhat livable is by forcing myself to invite people over, thereby forcing myself to pick up, clean up, cover up, pile up, hoist up those projects I've put off. Laundry IS a project in my house. 5 kids, 4 teenage boys, 1 tomboy of a girl, a hardworkin' hubby and myself. If only they would only go naked, NO laundry, eat out of their hands, NO dishes, never leave the house, NO dirt tracked in and always do what they're told, my life would be so much easier.

I wonder if that is why God started us off in the Garden of Eden in our birthday suits. He knew what laundry would do to this world and it's water supply! And how convenient, a fruit tree.....however, that was the end of convenience foods and the thought of eating fresh fruit as our only source of nutrition. We thought that when God talked to Eve about the pain in childbirth that He was referring to the labor pains of actual childbirth, but He was talking about all of our LABOR pains. Laundry labor, dishwashing labor, cleaning up puke labor, not-to-mention those diapers labor, career labor, carpool labor and so on, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera (in my best King and I, Uhl Brenner, voice).

I am only sounding like its complaining because it is keeping me from having to do anything in this 5 minutes of writing this post. I love my life. I love the labor. I will miss the laundry someday, because it will be a stark reminder of how my kids have grown up and moved out. I am grateful that God has blessed me with my tasks of the day.

I began by loading my dishwasher, which led me to clean off the table, which led to taking stuff upstairs, which led to the cleaning of my bathroom, which meant I had laundry to go downstairs, which meant I needed to clean the catfood that spilled in there, which meant I needed a broom from the closet, which reminded me I needed to take out the trash, which led me outside to the clothesline, which brought me in with more clothes, which made me realize I was not successful in stain removal so I should look it up on the web, which made me open my home page, which brought me to my email, that led me to this post. Whew, I'm tired. I need a nap....which will lead me to clean off my bed............


Alicia said...

You are hilarious!! You can't even finish your FB status!!!! Good luck getting it all done.

I aint procrastinatin' nothin' no mo...

I think I'll give a moose a muffin and then Rissa and I are off to take a much deserved nap! Luckily for me, my bed is already cleaned off! :)

Happy Give a Moose a Muffin Day!


Molly Osmera said...

You are definitely marathon mom! Kudos to you! I can't seem to get even close to getting it all done and all I have is two!

mormonhermitmom said...

That is my life too!


Good luck getting that nap!


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