Monday, May 4, 2009

H1N1 a.k.a. Swine Flu a.k.a. ICK!

Wow, the media really needs a new gig, huh? The economy was getting too boring, so let's send everyone over the edge by creating panic and mayhem! Woo hoo! Fun, fun, fun. I am so glad that I have a hope and trust in a God that assures me that no matter what happens, my everlasting life will be with Him in a place far away from NBC, CNN, Swine flu and the unemployment rate index. Actually, we'll all be unemployed, so think of this as training for your heavenly life.
So, even the doc on the news was belittling the story about the swine flu and giving some practical advice on how to deal with it. Ok, ya' goes....hold on....write this down...get a pen...don't forget the paper.....
Yea, I know it's gonna be tough to deal with that one. If the reminder in the local fast food restaurant restroom isn't enough, then make your own.
"All inhabitants of this home must wash their hands for 20 seconds under warm water with soap. Then dry them and don't pick your nose!"
Ok, maybe not in those words.
The news doc gave a little suggestions on how to make sure you have spent the appropriate amount of time washing your mits.
Sing Happy Birthday.
What a lovely thought.
So here goes, I changed the words to make it more appropriate for the times:
Happy Birthday to you
I don't want swine flu
I'll wash 'til I turn blue
My germs will be few.
Sing it like you mean it!
Thank you God for our trust in you, not in the news. Thank you God for the hope and truth of your son Jesus who gave his life for ours. Thank you God!


Michelle said...

I love your blog!

Alicia said...


Couldn't have said it better myself. So tired of all the media hype. Who is the genius who thought it would be a great idea to have 10 different news channels, all running constant "stories" 24/7???? Who needs that much information?? Or misinformation! Pandemics don't actually happen, they are just created by the media!

I love your new birthday/anti-swine flu song. Can't get it outta my head!


mormonhermitmom said...

Sing it sister!
To me "pandemic" means "hundreds of thousands of people in every country on earth has died from this disease". So when the networks started crying SWINE FLU I listened for the casualty rates and they more than traffic accidents. Puh-leeeze!

Karen said...

Love your new lyrics to Happy Birthday.

I really enjoy your blog!


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