Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Houston, we have a problem....

Parenting.  So some of us became parents by what we thought were mistakes (this is a word that makes God giggle).  Some of us became parents by planning, saving, reading and performing a certain time of the month to be able to produce a child (God still laughing).  Some of us became parents by the aide of a few extra hormones and checking your temperature and calling your hubby to say, "hurry home, dear!"  And some became parents by other means, adoption, ivf, ai and etc.  Regardless of how we got here, there are little people or, maybe by now, big people who rely on us to be good parents.  Now, good parenting is like the definition of love or success or other ambiguous words, it all depends on the person. 

Most of you know that I do not invest in television enhancers like satellite or cable or even a converter box, but when I'm at my sister's house I break down for the occasional Clean House or Criminal Minds or a quick sweep of HLN.  While checking in with what's new on the news, a story came across the air about the barefoot bandit.  If you don't know of his antics, it's quite odd.  He was just caught a few days ago after being on the run for two years since the age of 17.  This all after he "borrowed" and flew a plane by himself, stole a boat and made a few, over 70, uninvited entries to homes and businesses.  What does this have to do with parenting?  Well, in a stroke of genius the producers of CBS thought it would be a plus to the story to interview the Bandit's mom.  When asked about her son, she is quoted as saying:

"When the cops come and bother me that's when I think 'run Colton run, fly Colton fly.' I'm proud that he taught hisself how to fly," she told CBS News. "I just want to hug him," she said. "I'm proud that he can fly planes with no lessons. You're damn right I am."

She has recently signed a book deal and hired an entertainment lawyer.
"If anyone profits from this thing it should be me and Colt," she said.

Um.  Not sure what to say to that.  I guess finding the good in every situation is noteworthy these days.....Houston........................................


Michelle said...

So sad...what a shame.

mormonhermitmom said...

Oh dear, dear, dear.


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