Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What I want

1. A new car that gets a gajillion miles to the gallon of biodiesel fuel.

2.  Honesty like an 8 year old who can say to a teenage girl, "You better be glad you're a woman, cause you get to stay inside the house and work.  Not like us men that have to work in the heat!"  Oh the wise words of a man....

3.  Body of me when I was 22 the day I married my sweet husband!

4.  A huge honkin' momma-jomma chocolate cake!  Ironic that this come directly after the #3 want?  Doubtful.

5.  A high powered assault rifle to rid my garden of those oh-so-cute bunnies and my yard of the psychotic cat bird that pecks the fur off my cat!

6.  Willpower to do what I already know I'm supposed to be doing instead of blogging.

7.  My hubby.  He is away doing God's work, dang it all, on a mission trip.  No, really, I'm fine with it, but my bed is very cold and coffee sucks!

8.  More time to be a friend, a GOOD friend to those I know and love.

So, let's recap:
Flintstone SUV, truth, supermodel thighs, cake, firearm, willpower, my bestest friend, and time.  Yep.  That pretty much sums it up!

What I'm capable of attaining on this list today:

Chocolate cake.  
Yea, I guess life's not so bad afterall!

God bless your day!


Michelle said...

Love it!

mormonhermitmom said...

Dang! You're just a sister from another mother girl!


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