Thursday, September 23, 2010

Your Average is a C, making you average

I hate taking tests.  Hated it in school, don't like it now.  I don't like to make my kids take them either, but since I have homeschool high schoolers then I have to have a grade or something for their transcripts.  

Not too long ago my church decided to ask all of its members and chronic visitors, you know who you are, to take a test online at  It's a spiritual gifts sort of test.  I took it, albeit I didn't like it.  It gave some quite humorous results.  Instead of pinpointing my strengths were I could plug-in more easily to church activities and ministries it just muddied the waters.  You see, apparently I have not one, but four, personality types.  Now, this could come in handy if you need to adjust to many situations because then I'm your gal!  Whatev.

Friends of ours and my hubby and I were talking the other night about the book "The 5 Love Languages" and how it cleared up some questions for how couples relate to each other in their marriages.  We all decided to take the "survey" (cute word for evil test) and see how we should all be relating.  I suck at tests.  Did I tell you that already?  Upon scoring my results I scored the same on four out of five love languages.  No wonder my husband can't ever figure out how to communicate with me!  JK, we do fine, but really?  Seriously?  So I decided to take it again.  Ya'll pray for me.  

I know the most pressing question on your mind is which love language did not make the cut.  "Receiving gifts" is not a language I speak.  So true!  I know which love language I don't speak, but apparently am pretty quad-lingual in the rest.  Yea, I made that word up cuz I can.

Maybe that's why I blog so as not to look funny talking to all of my personalities with all of my love languages at the same time in public.  Cause really, let's be honest, most of us are just talking to ourselves here, right?  No, I'm not, yes, I am, shut up!  No, you!  Poo-poo head.  Oh, I gotta go, I'm getting out of hand!

God bless you and all of your many personalities today!


Jen said...

HA! And I thought I was the only one who was schiz

Anonymous said...

That's why you're so fun to be with!! Come back up here!!

mormonhermitmom said...

Reminds of the time when my hubby asked me.."Are you schizophrenic" and I answered,"depends on who you talk to."

Take care of yourselves!


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