Wednesday, September 1, 2010

When God Granted Me Serenity

Eleven years ago today, my life as a mother of four boys changed like I never expected.  They told me it looked like a girl on the ultrasound, but really, they told me my fourth boy looked like a girl on the ultrasound, too.  I was not convinced by their silly little machine!  My hubby, however, was totally convinced from day one of finding out we were pregnant that it was a girl.  I just said, whatever, and prepared for another little one.  She was the most beautiful thing ever!  Her brothers were instantly smitten by her good looks and darling little noises and petite fingers and toes.  She was born a wet baby, google it if you wanna, and we stayed an extra day in the hospital with oxygen close by just to be sure. I've never seen my boys quite so immersed in a little being for so long, going on eleven years now.  She stole all of our hearts from the moment she crossed into this earthly life.  Her brother, John, used to hold her when she was an infant and rub one finger back and forth across her forehead and lull her into a deep sleep.  It was heaven!  I would catch each of them at some point in her room being held hostage playing stuffed animals or whatever was on her agenda that day.  She idolizes those boys, even now that they drive her crazy sometimes!  From the time she used to carry in snakes at the age of 2 to now, when she "makes" them go throw the baseball or practice soccer with her.  My boys will make excellent fathers someday if God desires them to be just that.  My girl will make an excellent mother someday, because she can motivate a house full of boys to do whatever it is she wants!  

Eleven years ago, she was a week late!  My fifth child a week late.  What up wit dat?  My mom and dad had traveled to Colorado a week BEFORE she was due, knowing that she would already be here, being #5.  HA!  Sarah does what Sarah wants, kinda.  Anyway, my whole family accompanied me to my midwife appt 3 days before my mom and dad had to leave.  We were all going to spend the day in Durango, hanging out, but first things first.  I asked my midwife if there was any way to move this along!  After hooking up to a monitor for a few, she decided let's break your water and get this show on the road!  Mom and Dad took the boys to lunch and a long walk around downtown, thinking we'd be there a while.  Ha!  Little Miss was born about 20 to 30 minutes after the flood gates opened!

Their eyes were fixed.  Their hearts grew 10 times larger.  They were hooked.  Watching my babies grow is the most agonizingly painfully joyful, wonderful experience of my life.  I feel as if I'm standing in the midst with my body aging and my hair graying slowly while they spin around me in a blur growing so fast that I can't keep up.

She lays sleeping now, just as she did then.  Quiet in her bed as I stare at her sweet face and wonder what it will be like in 10 years with a girl in the house......... or out of the house.  (Excuse me while I bawl my eyes out!)

Happy Birthday my very special Sarah!  I love you so much!


Jen said...

(sniff sniff) awwwww :) She is beautiful! Did I mention she was one of my favorite kiddies ever!!! Well, I guess she's not a 'kiddie' anymore...

mormonhermitmom said...

Brothers SO need a little sis to dote on/protect/roughhouse with! Hope she has a great day!

Elizabeth said...

She's still 4 yeas old to me. From the very first moment I heard her speak to Jake "come on, lets go the slide" she will never age to me.


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